
Premonition, Glitch GIF
Despite popular belief, it’s not always the case that art is the result of creative inspiration. It can also be an expression of a traumatic experience: particularly the one that Ukrainians are currently experiencing.
Знайти будинок Бурлюка — непросто. З галасливого нав іть вранці Нью-Йорку, треба їхати потягом до станції «Ямайка». Там слід пересісти на потяг, який повезе Лонг-Айлендом, який є дуже довгим островом.
fulbright scholar
Artist and teacher Rymma Mylenkova has long wanted to understand how to best use public art in urban spaces as a social-development tool.
The model of participatory artistic practices is described as a modern tool of civic education and civic action in terms of their multi-agent structure, which includes the cooperation of students, educators, artists, school administration, local government representatives, the general community.
Art has the power to educate, illuminate, inspire, interpret, motivate and transform. Here, the verb “transform” is defined as a thorough or dramatic change in form, appearance, or character with synonyms such as alter, change, convert, metamorphose, transfigure, and transmute.
Rymma Mylenkova on contemporary art